Microsoft Open License
Simple and easy to manage
The open plan has a customizable platform and bulk purchase price advantage, providing a simple and cost-effective way to obtain the latest Microsoft technology.
Watch the open plan comparison video (WMV 3:30 minutes)
Use the Microsoft Open Plan to add online service purchases to the agreement, so you can migrate to the cloud at your own pace through the existing agreement.
Watch the Office 365 Open Plan video (WMV 1:18 minutes)
Open value
Open value subscription
Open license
If you initially purchased five or more licenses, you can purchase products as needed during the effective period of the agreement.
In addition to options for commercial companies, Microsoft also offers open programs for the following industries:
Government organization
Healthcare organization
Educational institution
Eligible 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations
Multinational organization
Learn more about licensing options for various industries.
Office Software
Microsoft Notepad
Microsoft Office shared tools
Microsoft SharePoint Workspace
Office Assistant
Outlook Web Access
Outlook Web App
Microsoft Sway
Microsoft Video
Microsoft Office包
Microsoft Office 2001(英语:Microsoft Office 2001)
Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac(当前预览)
The participation strategy of the affiliated companies of the Microsoft Open Project
Microsoft Open Licensing, Open Value Licensing, and Open Value Subscription Plans (collectively referred to as "Open Plans") allow customers to share agreements and their accompanying benefits with legally affiliated companies throughout the defined area — such as price levels, centralized licenses Management and license transfer. It is not allowed to integrate purchasing, license transfer, and subordinate license issuance functions outside the defined area boundaries specified below. The term "affiliated company" is defined in the relevant open plan agreement.
The following table shows the defined area boundaries of affiliated companies participating in the plan according to the open plan. Customers and distributors must sign agreements and place orders with distributors in the same defined area. Distributors may need to comply with other local restrictions.
Note: This form does not apply to open plans for government organizations or charitable organizations. In these plans, the defined region is the country/region where the customer is located. Open licenses for charitable organizations are only available in selected regions.
关联公司参与和交易定义区域边界 | |
北美洲 | 加拿大 美国 |
拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域 | 阿根廷和乌拉圭 玻利维亚 巴西 智利 哥伦比亚 厄瓜多尔 墨西哥 巴拉圭 秘鲁 委内瑞拉 中美洲:伯利兹、哥斯达黎加、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜和巴拿马 加勒比海区域:牙买加、巴哈马、百慕大、开曼群岛、特立尼达和多巴哥、多米尼加共和国、波多黎各和其他加勒比海群岛 |
欧洲 | 欧盟 (EU) 和/或欧洲自由贸易联盟 (EU/EFTA) 的国家/地区 |
非欧盟的中欧和东欧国家/地区 | 非欧盟/非欧洲自由贸易联盟的中欧和东欧国家/地区,包括波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、科索沃、马其顿、摩尔多瓦、黑山和塞尔维亚,以及属于独立国家联合体 (CIS) 的国家/地区 注意: 不包括俄罗斯。 |
俄罗斯 | 俄罗斯 |
中东和非洲 | 科特迪瓦、埃及、以色列、肯尼亚、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯、南非、土耳其、津巴布韦和地中海,以及其他中东和非洲国家/地区 |
亚太区 | 澳大利亚、文莱、印度尼西亚、韩国、马来西亚、新西兰、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南,以及东南亚和太平洋区域的其他国家/地区 |
日本 | 日本 |
大中华区 | 中国、香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾 |
印度 | 印度 |
东亚 | 不丹、孟加拉、马尔代夫、尼泊尔和斯里兰卡 |
Agreements for government organizations
Microsoft provides government-licensed products/services to eligible organizations at special prices and terms that are more suitable for government organizations to purchase software licenses and cloud services.
Download the comparison chart to determine the best agreement for your organization. See the documentation library for more information about government license agreements.
For small and medium government organizations
通过简单的一次性交易,从所选的合格经销商购买许可证。软件保障是可选购的服务。 | |
提供简化的资产管理、可预测的软件成本和分期付款。包含软件保障。 | |
权益与“面向政府的开放式价值”相同,但预付成本更低。购买此计划可以在协议的有效期限内,通过基于订阅的许可访问微软软件许可证和云服务。符合条件的政府客户还可以选择一年期开放式价值订阅选项。 | |
通过云解决方案提供商提供的微软客户协议 | 通过即用即付模型,在微软云解决方案提供商的帮助下购买云服务。云解决方案提供商可帮助你确定最佳的云解决方案,从购买到部署再到使用,全程提供支持。查找云解决方案提供商。 |
For medium and large government organizations
使用最新的微软产品和云服务将整个组织中的技术标准化。以单个协议提供简化的许可证管理,提供可预测的软件和服务成本以及分期付款。包括软件保障。订阅选项具有较低的前期成本,且仅在协议期限内可供访问。 | |
微软产品和服务协议 (MPSA) 将在线服务和软件的所有购买项整合到一份简化的协议中。购买帐户结构提供灵活的购买选项,以及对购买方式的更大控制度。软件保障是可选购的服务。 | |
如果微软产品和服务协议不适合你的组织,可以使用 Select Plus 在任何关联公司或部门级别购买微软软件许可证,同时作为一家组织获得各种优势。Select Plus 可让客户根据需要灵活购买许可证,提供一份没有具体终止日期的协议,以及一个用于简化帐户管理的主管关联公司客户 ID。软件保障是可选购的服务。 | |
通过云解决方案提供商提供的微软客户协议 | 通过即用即付模型,在微软云解决方案提供商的帮助下购买云服务。云解决方案提供商可帮助你确定最佳的云解决方案,从购买到部署再到使用,全程提供支持。查找云解决方案提供商。 |
Software Assurance
Microsoft Software Assurance is a comprehensive maintenance product that helps customers make the most of their software investment. It incorporates the latest software as well as 24/7 uninterrupted telephone support, partner services, training and IT tools to help customers deploy, manage and migrate software.
Learn more about Software Assurance
Volume licensing eligibility requirements for government organizations vary by region. Please follow the link below for details:
Global qualification requirements
Purchase or renew
Are you ready to purchase or renew a volume license agreement? Please follow the steps described below according to your location:
U.S. and Canada
Contact a Microsoft reseller. For more information or to find a nearby Microsoft reseller, please call the Microsoft Sales Information Center: (800) 426-9400. In Canada, please call the Microsoft Resource Center: (877) 568-2495.
Find options for U.S. government organizations
Please contact Microsoft subsidiary or software and service reseller.
Find the Microsoft Volume Licensing website in your area