Zstack private cloud solution
Product Description
The ZStack Mini edge computing all-in-one machine (abbreviated as ZStack Mini) carries the lightweight ZStack cloud engine on the Gemini server, and provides a one-stop cloud computing solution through the integrated output of software and hardware. ZStack Mini adopts industrial-grade standard design, supports two-node start, has out-of-the-box, flexible and elastic expansion and complete cloud computing service capabilities, helping enterprises to effectively save IT costs, accelerate the efficiency of information construction, and respond to new businesses such as edge computing Scenario challenges to achieve a comprehensive digital transformation.
Product architecture
system structure
ZStack Mini inherits the advantages of ZStack's 4S architecture (ie: Simple, Robust, Flexible, Scalable, Smart), and uses the message bus to communicate with the database and various service modules, providing lighter and more flexible cloud host management and all-in-one management , Storage scheduling, network functions, monitoring and auditing and other functions. ZStack Mini also provides standard APIs and SDKs, supports RESTful APIs for resource scheduling management, and facilitates in-depth docking and integration of user services in the future.
Physical architecture
ZStack Mini provides an integrated and modular infrastructure of software and hardware, which can significantly reduce the threshold for enterprises to go to the cloud and the burden of later operation and maintenance. Relying on ZStack's mature cloud engine, ZStack Mini has targeted adaptation and improvement for many scenarios, including software and hardware full redundancy design, built-in active-active storage, full visual operation and maintenance interface, fine-grained alarm information, hot pluggable Hardware modules, etc., while accelerating enterprise applications to the cloud, provide an infrastructure environment where stability, availability, and operability are all the best practices.
ZStack Mini adopts the Gemini modular server design and is equipped with x86 standard components, which fully meets the requirements of the application for hardware compatibility; its bottom layer uses real-time synchronized active-active storage, and the synchronization network and heartbeat network are independent redundant lines. Greatly improve high availability efficiency and reduce the risk of data loss; the platform software uses a microservice architecture, based on active-active storage, that data and services can still work normally after any node failure, thereby providing stability for the high availability of upper-layer applications basis.
Storage architecture
In the storage design of ZStack Mini, physical hard disks also use traditional RAID technology, but on top of this, logical partitioning technology is used to divide the storage space, and the two nodes independently perform block-level synchronization for each cloud host hard disk. Improve synchronization efficiency while reducing fault domains. Since the shared file system in traditional virtualization is canceled between the cloud host hard disk and the physical hard disk, and the data is directly accessed in the form of block devices, the performance loss is minimal, and the cloud host can give full play to the physical storage performance.
Product Features
ZStack Mini combines a lightweight ZStack cloud engine with a highly integrated Gemini server to provide efficient management and scheduling of data center computing, storage, and network resources. It supports out-of-the-box use. Users can quickly create cloud hosts, allocate cloud disks, automatically configure cloud host networks, and monitor resource information in real time through ZStack Mini, so as to quickly achieve business online and flexible and convenient business operation and maintenance.
Figure 1. Functional architecture diagram
类别 | 特性 | ZStack Mini |
开箱即用 | 一体机出厂内置ISO | 一体机出厂时自带ISO,保证安装包和硬件的完整正确性 |
系统预配置 | 一体机出厂后,系统管理/业务网络、IPMI网络的安装配置直接在UI界面上完成,无需执行命令行 | |
首页 | 物理机负载统计 | 实时统计物理机的CPU负载率、内存负载率、磁盘IO及网络吞吐量 |
资源使用量统计 | 系统中物理机、云主机、数据盘、镜像、网络IP的数量,及CPU、内存、存储的使用情况汇总 | |
告警提醒 | 展示系统中最新的五条报警消息 | |
监控中心 | 一体机逻辑关系展示 | 展示系统中一体机整体运行情况,及各一体机和物理机的对应情况 |
资源用量统计 | 实时展示各物理机的CPU、内存、存储用量及磁盘IO和网络吞吐量 | |
网络接口 | 展示各网络接口的连接情况 | |
一体机 | 一体机生命周期管理 | 支持添加一体机、将一体机安全关机 |
启用、停用、重连、维护物理机,支持修改物理机的root密码 | ||
识别灯亮:点亮相应物理机的识别灯 | ||
硬件前面板展示 | 根据硬盘的实际插盘情况,展示硬盘的状态、用途、可用容量等信息,并支持点亮硬盘灯 | |
硬件后面板展示 | 根据实际硬件的使用情况,展示硬件背板的槽位连接状态,包括电源、网络接口和USB设备 | |
硬盘详情展示 | 展示硬盘的概览信息、S.M.A.R.T信息、健康状态检查记录和温度信息 | |
资源用量实时监控 | 实时监控CPU用量、内存用量、磁盘IO和网卡流量 | |
可自定义监控15分钟、1小时、1天、2周的监控数据 | ||
外接设备管理 | 管理外接在该物理机上的USB设备及其他设备 | |
存储 | 存储用量 | 展示平台总体容量使用情况以及本地存储和FC SAN存储的容量使用情况 |
本地存储 | 存储池概览:展示存储池整体的容量使用情况,以及存储池中的各个RAID盘的信息 | |
RAID概览:展示各个RAID盘的RAID级别、健康状态和容量使用情况,并展示该RAID盘下的个物理磁盘的使用情况 | ||
存储数据实时监控:实时监控存储池和磁盘的IOPS、IO带宽和平均I/O延迟,可自定义监控15分钟、1小时、1天、2周的监控数据 | ||
FC SAN存储 | FC SAN存储生命周期管理:添加、添加块设备、加载一体机、从一体机卸载、删除 | |
存储概览:展示存储连接情况及容量使用情况 | ||
块设备信息:展示该存储所使用的块设备信息 | ||
存储数据实时监控:实时监控存储的IOPS、IO带宽和平均I/O延迟,可自定义监控15分钟、1小时、1天、2周的监控数据 | ||
块设备 | 展示一体机挂载的块设备信息,支持手动同步块设备 | |
云主机 | 云主机生命周期管理 | 创建(支持精简置备、厚置备模式)、启动、停止、重启、删除、恢复、彻底删除云主机 创建云主机时可指定IP创建 |
双副本展示 | 数据双副本,展示两副本的连接状态、磁盘状态、总容量和可用容量 | |
保护级别 | 可将云主机的保护级别修改为None、HA或FT | |
None:云主机的数据以双副本形式保存 | ||
HA:高可用云主机,可在故障时自动迁移至另外一个节点 | ||
FT:为云主机创建一台辅助云主机,减少宕机时间 | ||
备份数据 | 创建备份:创建整机备份 | |
删除备份:删除已创建的整机备份数据 | ||
恢复备份:选择某一备份数据,将数据盘还原至备份文件的时间点 | ||
数据盘 | 为云主机加载、卸载数据盘 | |
网卡 | 为云主机加载、卸载网卡 | |
虚拟光驱 | 可为云主机创建虚拟光驱,在虚拟光驱中加载ISO,或将ISO从虚拟光驱中卸载 | |
USB设备 | 云主机可加载物理机上的USB设备,也可将该设备从云主机上卸载 | |
其他设备 | 云主机可加载物理机上的其他设备,也可将该设备从云主机上卸载 | |
迁移 | 支持云主机热迁移 云主机所在物理机失联后,可一键将该一体机上的云主机都迁移至伙伴物理机 | |
系统扩容 | 支持云主机系统盘在线扩大容量,方便修改云主机配置 | |
QGA | 支持为安装并运行了qemu-guest-agent的云主机打开/关闭QGA配置。 | |
VirtIO驱动一键安装 | 支持为Windows云主机一键安装性能优化工具 | |
修改云主机密码 | 支持为云主机在线修改密码 | |
设置启动顺序 | 支持为云主机设置启动顺序 | |
创建镜像 | 从云主机创建系统镜像 | |
搜索 | 支持按名称、默认IP、UUID、物理机IP搜索 | |
数据实时监控 | 实时监控云主机的CPU用量、内存用量、磁盘IO和网卡流量 | |
可自定义监控15分钟、1小时、1天、2周的监控数据 | ||
数据盘 | 数据盘生命周期管理 | 创建(支持精简置备、厚置备模式)、删除、恢复、彻底删除数据盘 |
加载到云主机上、从云主机上卸载 | ||
双副本展示 | 数据双副本,展示两副本的连接状态、磁盘状态、总容量和可用容量 | |
备份数据 | 创建备份:加载到云主机上的数据盘可创建备份 | |
删除备份:删除已创建的数据盘备份 | ||
恢复备份:选择某一数据盘备份数据,将数据盘还原至备份文件的时间点 | ||
扩容 | 数据盘扩容 | |
数据实时监控 | 实时数据盘的IOPS和IO带宽 | |
可自定义监控15分钟、1小时、1天、2周的监控数据 | ||
镜像 | 镜像生命周期管理 | 支持添加(URL上传、本地文件上传)、删除、恢复、彻底删除镜像 |
网络 | 网络生命周期管理 | 创建、删除网络 在创建网络的时候可选择是否开启DHCP服务 |
为该网络添加、删除网络段 | ||
为该网络添加、删除DNS | ||
数据实时监控 | 实时网络IP的使用情况 | |
可自定义监控15分钟、1小时、1天、2周的监控数据 | ||
应用中心 | 应用中心 | 将应用信息从外接U盘设备同步至平台 |
将应用从外接U盘获取至本地镜像仓库,从本地镜像仓库移除应用 | ||
安装已经获取的应用 | ||
我的应用 | 对于已经安装的应用,支持启动、停止、重启其中的云主机 | |
支持卸载已经安装的应用 | ||
外接磁盘备份 | 外接磁盘生命周期管理 | 选择外接硬盘作为备份设备,支持将备份设备移除 |
查看该备份设备的容量使用情况 | ||
备份 | 创建备份数据,支持断点续备 | |
删除备份数据 | ||
从备份数据恢复 | ||
弹性IP | 弹性IP生命周期管理 | 创建、删除弹性IP |
将该弹性IP绑定至云主机,将弹性IP从云主机解绑 | ||
报警消息 | 报警消息展示 | 当系统中资源达到报警阈值或系统发生故障时,系统会提示报警消息 |
操作日志 | 操作日志展示 | 用户的每一个操作,都有对应的操作日志展示 |
个人中心 | 修改密码 | 支持为账户修改密码 |
设置 | 自定义UI | 自定义设置UI界面上的产品logo和产品名称等信息 |
接收端设置 | 添加、删除邮件接收端,可从邮件接收报警消息 | |
邮箱服务器 | 添加、删除邮箱服务器,测试邮箱服务器的连通性 | |
网络配置 | 展示环境中的一体机的千兆网络配置和IPMI网络配置 | |
支持进入配置模式修改一体机的千兆网络配置 | ||
关于页面 | 系统信息展示 | 展示系统的管理节点IP和管理节点虚拟IP |
High availability
ZStack Mini provides three protection levels for cloud hosts: None, HA, and FT to ensure business continuity.
If the cloud host protection level is None, the system disk and data disk of the cloud host are guaranteed to run with double copies and check codes, but the running status of the cloud host is not protected. When a node failure, storage or network failure, or unexpected downtime occurs, the user is required to manually start the cloud host.
If the cloud host's protection level is HA (High Availability), the cloud host's system disk and data disk use dual copies and check codes to ensure operation, and the cloud host's operating status and environment are monitored in real time. In the event of a node failure, storage or network failure, or unexpected downtime, the system will automatically start the cloud host on another node without manual intervention by the user and resume business within minutes.
If the cloud host protection level is FT (Fault Tolerance), there is a cloud host with the same configuration on each of the two nodes of the all-in-one machine in the active/standby mode. The cloud host synchronizes the memory and hard disk data to the standby cloud host in real time through the internal high-speed network. When a node failure, storage or network failure, or unexpected downtime occurs, the business can be smoothly and seamlessly switched to the standby cloud host that is always on standby to continue running, and this switching process can reach the second level or less. For cloud hosts that carry core services, it is recommended to run at the FT protection level.
The high availability of FT cloud host is shown in Figure 1: